Mentor and Mentee

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CHCORG627B – Provide Mentoring Support to Colleagues Q 1. What is the main difference between the mentoring and preceptorship models? Mentoring is an effective way to help people develop in their career. It requires a high level of commitment from each participant for the relationship to be established. * Can be an outside work setting * Conducted over a long period * Require a time commitment outside of the work setting * Minimal reporting on relation status in a formal setting * Personal achievement Perceptorship Precentorship requires low level of commitment, conducted solely in the work setting. * Short period usually lasting 2 to 12 weeks. * Required formal reporting of the outcomes of the relationship Q2. Four stages of mentoring process Initiation – involves mentor and mentee meetings, getting to know each other and setting goals, building a trusting relationship. Cultivation – information is shared, joint problem solving, promotes respect, keep constant communication with each other Separation – the mentoring process end with the accomplishments Redefinition – evaluation of the outcomes. Q3. List three attributes of a mentor. Why are these attributes important for a mentor to possess? * Active listening is essential to developing trust * Honesty is important in building a good relationship * Effective communication to keep constant communication with each other, to give feedback to the learner without demeaning the learner’s self-esteem. * Respect is another attribute as the mentee wants to follow someone who is well respected by colleagues. Q4. List three attributes of a mentee. Why are these attributes important for a mentee to possess? * Asking questions is essential to learn and helps you to become better * Self-directed as it needs someone who is engaged in the learning
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