Mental Illness Vs Community'S Attitude

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What kind of image comes up in your mind when you think of a person with a mental illness? Do you think of a person who is really dangerous and violent? Many people have negative attitudes and stereotypical image toward mental illness. But do they really know what it means to be mentally-ill? Do they know that mental illness can happen to anybody? One in five Australians will be affected by mental illness in some form – depression, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, anxiety, eating disorder, etc. People with a mental illness need same understanding and support given to people with physical illness. A mental illness is no different – it is not an illness for which anyone should be blamed. Then, what exactly is mental illness and what causes them? It is a general term that refers to a group of illnesses affecting the brain and many mental illnesses are caused by a physical dysfunction of the brain. There are two types of mental illness: psychotic and non-psychotic. People experiencing an acute stage of a psychotic illness may lose touch with reality. People with this illness might develop delusions or experience hallucinations. Examples of this type of illness include schizophrenia and some types of depression. Non-psychotic illnesses are group of mental illnesses where people’s feelings can become so disturbing and overwhelming that they have difficulty coping with day-to-day activities. This type of mental illness is a common experience for many people. Examples include: phobias, anxiety, some forms of depression, eating disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and etc. Both types of the mental illnesses can be effectively treated with medication, therapy, and support from medical health professionals and counselors. Effective medication and support from many people mean that most people with mental illness are able to live productive and rewarding
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