Men And Women In Society

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Throughout society men and women will experience different realities as a result of their gender. This can be seen through different interests, their upbringing and past experiences. These are not the only ideas that make reality different because of our gender. Women can have the same realities as to men with these certain ideas. If you think about it, we are individuals and we should all be different in society by what we think and do in our lives but gender is the big factor that defines us and how we are expected to act. The workplace environment is a clear example of how gender can result a different reality to men. Women can be at a disadvantage when having the same job to men. They get a lower payment compared to men and are also treated with less respect within the workplace just because of their gender and think that they are not worthy to be in this area of work. On the other hand a great example of showing a woman can do a man’s job is our very own Prime Minister Julia Gillard who has made history being our first ever lady prime minister. The media try to diminish her by judging what she does and even what she wears! Talk about judgemental! But she still soldier’s on no matter what people say about her or what she does for our country. Within our society, we are brought up with some sort of notion that women are seen ‘fragile’ and the ones who stay home to look after the children rather than working which is seen as a ‘man’s job’. And we see men as the ‘strong’ and dominant ones who are meant to protect and support their families. In traditional societies, gender roles were taken seriously. Let’s take for example the war where it was seen to be for a man to be the ones to fight for their country and not women because they shouldn’t be part of a dangerous and violent situation. This is showing that society was seen as a ‘man’s world’ and sometimes
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