Memory Techniques Essay

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Memory Techniques Introduction: There are several different memory techniques that can help you to improve, storing information in your long term memory. These strategies are to help you to retain learning math to understand the concept to solve any related problem. A Good Study/Math Attitude: A positive attitude towards math will help you to study more efficiently and achieve better in a subject, that one enjoys, has confidence in, or finds useful. Tell yourself that you can be successful in math to achieve the career you want. Be a Selective Learner: Being a selective learner in math will improve your memory. Figure out what facts are important for you to learn and which ones are not. Try creating 2 piles of index cards of math principles, one pile of “I already know this” and another pile of “I don’t know this.” Study only the “I don’t know this” pile, until you have entirely have understood and learned the material. Become an Organizer: Have an organizational system in place that works for you. Some people use computers, electronic devices, or just a binder with dividers in it. Properly organize your material, it should be clear and easily accessible to find. This will help you to manage your time more effectively, and make your life a little easier. Use Visual Imagery: In math, using mental pictures or diagrams, are there to help you to understand the concepts. When you translate a verbal description into a visual picture, you’re able to “see” the components of the problem. This is really helpful for visual learners to picture the steps to complete math equations in your mind. Make Associations: Using association learning, will help you to learn and memorize facts. Try to find a link to combine old facts with new facts, when creating your own associations. The more ridiculous it sounds, the more likely you are able to remember

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