Memory of My Auntie

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The effect of laser Brain operation March 27, 2011 at 10:39pm The effect of laser Brain operation -My respectful auntie she is a good person friendly and she has good relationship with family and friends. -Lets start with some background she is 56 ,hardworking and she is a singer her job is to make people cheerful at the wedding party and she had beautiful voice and live busy with her group of singer. -Another things she used to invite us to come to her party enjoy abit of food and sing a song together and make relationship and we were happy and love her so much. -She has a good healty life but in 2000 she felt uncomfortable with her head and going to the doctor .reff doctor said she has to take an x ray of her head we wait for 1 days for the result,finally we have found my auntie got a cancer,Doctor only give advice that we should go to Singapore for another check because he give up for surgery.We meet doctor in Singapore he did an X ray to make sure but the true cannot be rejected doctor said she have to take the best laser surgery and recommend going to Japan. -At 2001 my auntie,uncle and my Family flew to Japan,they lived in Japan for 1 Month,and my auntie got brain surgery,the surgery is succesfull we are so happy for her,she can came back like used to be healty and happy. -But in 2010 she is fell down in the bathroom i still remember i came and visit my auntie house,My uncle said before she had fall down she ever have headeache my uncle ever told her to get a check her condition ......1 week in December christmast our home invited family to come to our house to celebrate chrismast my auntie also came i am the one who pick my auntie family at the door and pleased her to came inside and bring her to my grandmother room put her on the bed to take a rest,....After that she is start to cry because she needs to take a piss she cannot do for her self even to

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