Memorable Trip Essay

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Last Saturday, my friends and I went for a trip to the National Park. The trip was organized by 3 Abu Bakar. We went there by bus. The journey took about 2 hours. We chose National Park because we want wanted to get away for a few days after a stressful week of the final examination. The purpose of this trip was to let us appreciate the beauty of nature and at the same time to learn more about the flora and fauna species found there. On arrival Upon arriving at the National Park, we checked in at the chalet. The chalet was small yet beautiful. There was no television and entertainment. Luckily, my friends brought laptops, games and cards. We unpacked our things and prepared for the next activity. Our first activity was boat ride. We crossed a river to visit the Orang Asli settlement. It was a unique experience as we got a chance to learn their culture and how they lived. At that time, we knew the Orang Asli have equally varied occupations and ways of life. The next activity was cave exploring. The cave was very dark but luckily we brought torchlight to explore what was in there. While we were walking, we saw a population of bats hanging upside down. The supervisor in charge told us that the bats were sleeping. They slept sleep during the day and find food at night. We were all spellbound on how they slept without falling. After a while, we found a waterfall. We make made hay while the sun shines by took taking a dip in the waterfall. It was breathtaking with a beautiful scenery. , chipping birds and cool crystal clear water. The water was cool and crystal clear. There were birds chirping merrily. We all splashed water at each other shrieked and splashed each other and shrieked as the icy water stung or our bare skin. It was definitely a relief from the stress from the intense weather and exhausted day. How could we resist such a great temptation?
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