Memorable Experience Essay

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There have been numerous experiences throughout my life that have had significant and profound impact on the development of my character. One such experience that stands out among the rest is my family dive trip to Sipadan Island, Malaysia. The amazing adventure truly opened my eyes to a whole other world that I never knew existed. The serene setting, amiability of the locals and magnificent marine life left me breathless. The family bond was strengthen as a result of sharing these experiences half a world away. All these things combined made this once in a lifetime excursion essentially magical. While underwater, in the massive ocean was such a surreal feeling. In a weightless state, I realized how small I actually was. I was just a spec in the boundless sea, anything went , anything could happen. The marine life was absolutely astounding! Sea turtles of all sizes would let you get so close, you could almost touch them. Colorful reefs inhabited and fed beautiful fish. At a particular point we were diving among hundreds of barracudas that looked like shiny silver bullets. They were swimming in a funnel like sequence. It appeared as though I was looking through a grand telescope made of these fascinating creatures. The monstrous sting rays that blended in with the sand would pop out and surprise at any minute. An interesting dive we had, that was quite scary, was off of Sipadan Island. While diving towards the back of the group with my dad and brother, I heard a thunderous explosion. It startled me so much I could not continue forward for a few moments. Later, we learned that fishermen were using explosives to kill fish. We were told it happened frequently, even though it is against the law. The dives were so incredible. The vibrant coral reefs and plentiful fish were like nothing I had ever seen. The locals were so inviting,

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