Memo- Tail of Two Air Lines

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July 13, 2012 Elizabeth Windsor Chief Executive Officer This is to inform you of the analysis made by the undersigned on the two airlines - the London- and Atlanta-based airlines. Relevant problem how would the two airlines (London-based and Atlanta-based) be more responsive to the needs of the clients while maintaining both operational effectiveness and efficiency? Areas of consideration 1. Environment. People have high expectations on the London-based airline because of its reputation for an outstanding service. Likewise, they also expect that the high premium charged should be compensated by an excellent service. 2. Information technology structure. Considering the information provided in the case, McPherson himself made some assumptions that the airline flying to London should have identified him off their computer as a close- connecting passenger and that considering the fare paid by a passenger like him; he should have been placed in a moderately loaded flight. 3. Strategic issues as to London-based airline's strengths and weaknesses and competitive concerns. While the company is operating below the expectations of clients as to its core functions (as indicated by delays of flights and some ineffectiveness of some agents and other maintenance personnel), the London-based airline is strong in terms of its attached services (e.g. after-flight services). 4. Globalization. The Atlanta-based airline is operating with a high degree of accuracy. Based on the case, "the plane was at the gate with commendable dispatch, the gate agent relieved him of his London boarding pass and London-to Frankfurt ticket and hustled him onto the plane minutes before the door closed". This accuracy may also be possible to the London-based airline if the attendants have been better trained and some technological processes reviewed and further improved. 5. Organization.

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