Medusa Monologue Analysis

401 Words2 Pages
Medusa Monologue (She walks in the middle of the stage. Her eyes are closed) I am Medusa! Isolated on a lifeless island in the middle of the sea, full of statues of the fearless heroes that tried to get my head. When I get to three my eyes will open and you will be turned into stone 1… 2… 3… (She opens her eyes) Another statue added to my lifeless garden… I am a gorgon! You see these snakes on my head? They once used to be a scalp full of lustrous hair! You see these horrible claws? They once used to be elegant hands! And you see these horrible fangs? They replaced a perfect set of teeth. I once was a gorgeous young lady, resented by all the girls and goddesses around me. I was the most gorgeous girl in Athena and also the sign of purity.
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