Medical Tourism Essay

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Title: Medical Tourism Student Name: Kanika Jalota Student Number: 211900545 Course: HLST 1010 Section: Fall/2011 Date: November 16th/2011 Professors Name: Lillie, Lum In Canada there is a universal health care system, in which all residents receive equal access to health care. This system is funded by the residents of Canada through contribution of taxes. Despite of Canadians having a universal health care system, there are still many cracks in the Canadian health care system. First, there are long waits for surgeries/treatments due to the public funded health care system in Canada, which drive people out of their home to seek medical expertise abroad. However, this is not always the case for all Canadians. Secondly, many leave due to the fear of dying before they can get their organ transplant and last but not least some Canadians leave due to accessibility of certain treatments such as the liberation procedure and cheap cost of cosmetic surgery in developing countries. Medical tourism is a rising industry, in which residents of wealthy countries leave their home to receive medical care from other countries for a variety of reasons. Wealthy Canadians can get treatment from United States but those with limited financial resources search for cheap alternatives in developing countries (Turner, 2007, p.71). Medical tourism has a negative effect on the Canadian health care system because of patients leaving out of the Canadian jurisdiction and also due to the ability of providing efficient health care to the returning patient. Patients leaving the Canadian health care system to get treatment in other countries leave Canadian physicians not being able to provide standard health care. The problem of medical tourism will also affect Canada as a nation. It can affect our economy because if everyone keeps leaving to be treated elsewhere and comes back
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