In fact, not many adults over 35 are video game players. Although I don't agree, It is said that video game violence is the reason that today's world is so violent. I do not think that video games promote violence. Despite video games being in every country, the crime rates vary in every country. If video game playing was linked to crime rates you would assume that you'd see higher crime rates everywhere.
In many games, kids are rewarded for being more violent. The act of violence is done repeatedly. The child is in control of the violence and experiences the violence in his own eyes including killings, kicking, stabbing and shooting. This active participation, repetition and reward are effective tools for learning behavior. Indeed, many studies seem to indicate that violent video games may be related to aggressive behavior (Main #2) Too much video game playing makes your kid socially isolated.
Community Service Communities are as strong as the people who make them up. Without members of a community pitching in to make it a better place, it will come crashing down to the ground. For some reason most kids of today are not interested in volunteer work. They’d rather play video games or update their Facebook status all day instead of picking up trash at a park or spending time with elders at the local nursing home. Have they all just become dangerously lazy?
When electronic video games were first introduced in the late 1970’s, they were basic animated interactive games such as Atari’s Pong. Unfortunately, greater sophistication and realism found in today’s video games are incorporated with very violent themes and gestures. In today’s games children can battle realistic looking characters and witness the blood, gore, and mutilation. The intense active nature of children’s play when interfacing with violence further underscores these concerns (Anderson & Dill, 2000). There has been concern about the effect of video games on children almost since they first became popular.
The future of entertainment revolves around technology. Video games become more and more realistic. The main consumers for violent video games are teens. These games encourage killing and fighting enemies. More ways of playing violent video games are created each year, but most of us have this question in mind.
It would be hard to explain why young members of our society have become more addicted to the use of this particular device (cell phone); perhaps we can attribute this to the differences in which they spend their leisure time compared to older members of our society. Older people may prefer to spend several hours watching T.V., while younger people will devote an equal amount of time talking on the cell phone, which might lead us to the answer of why divorce rates are higher on young couples. In recent years, 62 percent of marriages ended in divorce, most of those divorced being under 25. Is it possible that technology has something to do with
How does information technology affect socioeconomic disparities? Poorer and less educated technological users are not using information technology to grow and educate themselves, but are using it as a method of entertainment. They are spending more time watching TV, playing video games or on social media sites than they are using the internet for educational purposes. As a result, the differences between white children and minority children have created of the New Digital Divide. Why is access to technology insufficient to eliminate the digital divide?
Parents should realize this problem and talk with their children about negative effects of gun violence and to instruct on how to deal with the child’s emotions. Video games are rated by the ESRB, The Entertainment Software Rating Board, by how violent the game is and rates them accordingly to the appropriate age level that can handle the material. M-rated games require the buyer to be 17 years of age or older because of its violent and/or sexual content. In 2003 a survey shows that 69 percent of teenage shoppers were able to buy M-rated games (FTC). This percentage of youths that can buy violent to extremely violent games is mind
The wasted time could be used in activities to help in their growth and development as well as coping with life’s challenges. It all depends on the amount of video game exposure and play time (Matt, 2013). Excessive playing of video games especially by young children encourages competition that one must win to move so as to progress. In addition, continued playing of these games makes users aggressive as most of them are usually ‘unforgiving’; for example, if one gets shot and ‘dies’ while playing Call of Duty, the situation cannot be reversed. The aggression can pass on to their real world lives (Douglas, 2011).
Shawanda Bradley Mr. Henri Moudoungou English 101.C October 29, 2012 TEENAGE DRINKING OUTLINE 1) Alcohol use by persons under age 21 years is a major public health problem. Alcohol is the most commonly used and abused drug among youth in the United States, more than tobacco and illicit drugs, and is responsible for more than 4,700 annual deaths among underage youth. 2) There is an estimate of about 10.8 million teenage drinkers in the United States. But most teens don’t start the heavy drinking until they are 19 and 20. a) Since 2009 teenage drinking as increased rapidly. i) Three-fourths of 12th grade students, more than two-thirds of 10th grade students, and about two in five 8th grade students have consumed