Media Studies Com 3702

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1. Introduction 2. Media Policy and Regulation 2.1. The Nature of media and Communication Policy 2.1.1. Policy as a Plan Policy is something that is positive and it relates to planning and strategy. A policy is created when people are no longer satisfied with the current situation, and it is therefore reactionary. Policy is a plan of action consisting of means and objectives, It is a combination of aims (what has to be achieved), means (how is the aim going to be achieved) and time-frame (when is the goal going to be achieved). 2.1.2. Policy as a Process Policy is not something that is ready made, it often begins with a problem. Policy is a process that has five consecutive stages from identifying a problem to developing a policy and then making a decision on a particular policy and executing the chosen policy and lastly evaluating the effectiveness, efficiency and legitimacy of the policy. 2.1.3. Relationship between Policy as a plan and Policy as a process. Policy is a plan of action and that plan needs to be executed and that is where policy as a plan is connected to policy as a process. Each and every plan needs to be executed in order for the plan to be successful. When there is a problem and that problem is identified and an aim is set and means of attaining that aim are determined, and a timeframe is set to achieve the aim then comes the next phase where everything has to be set in motion and that is done by engaging in the processes that are relevant to realise a policy. The two concepts overlap in the sense that one leads to the other and one without the other would not be successful. 2.2. Internal Media Regulation in South Africa 2.2.1. Difference between internal and external media regulation and policy The media is subject to regulation by different regulatory bodies and thus it is liable to some or other form of

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