Media Corruption and Parental Prevention

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Media Corruption and Parental Prevention Joni Marshall COM172 February 1, 2012 Rhea Riegal Media Corruption and Parental Prevention It is evident in several ways the profound effect that media has on today’s culture. As adults, the responsibility for interpreting these images and deciphering the acceptable from the unacceptable lies here. Even though some are still sometimes subconsciously affected, many will be able to retain personal beliefs and levels of morality, as well as continuing to distinguish the real from the fake in most instances. Today’s youth and especially children, however, are much more impressionable. From cartoons, to more adult themed programming, children are watching. The change in the times is always manifested in the attitudes, behaviors and trends of the youth. As time goes on, and life becomes increasingly fast-paced, adults have a world of concerns. Adults must juggle work and home and several other ventures, but in the midst of these important tasks, the time spent paying attention and governing the images being portrayed to children is of utmost significance. The degradation of society is in full effect. Morality and respect have dwindled. The attitude of the culture is anything goes, seemingly. One could effectively place the blame on what has become acceptable in the media. As the saying goes, art imitates life. As anything becomes acceptable in media, this attitude is conveyed to children and changes the course of the future, and not necessarily for the better. Parental discretion exercised over the viewing habits of children can effectively counteract the corruption of youth caused by the media. It is the responsibility of the parents to police the viewing habits of the children, not to allow the negative images in the media to corrupt the child. Presently, media has, in the opinion of many, become a cesspool
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