Media Affects People

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Opinion essay: Media impact Within the last few decades media has had a colossal impact on us. Whether it is a physical, social or an emotional impact, it is usually a bad one. The main things that cause the bad impact are the immoral relationships, values and role models. Only when a majority of the media stops promoting these things can society stop being at risk. The media promotes negative relationships because they make them look perfect with no fighting, comparing you and your partner with others, and lack of interracial couples. Firstly the media promotes bad relationships because they make them look perfect but when, in reality, there would be disagreements between the two people that could lead to tension. Many examples of this can be found on TV such as Disney owned stations, MTV or even a lot of reality shows. Furthermore, a lot of reality shows claim to be non-scripted when they actually are so they can get more views. Secondly media promotes immoral relationships because the people in a relationship on tv or in any type of media, always look beautiful or handsome all the time. This would make some people compare their partner to those people and think why he or she doesn’t look like that. In addition this can cause insecurity’s or a couple could break up with each other. Finally media promotes corrupt relationships because the lack of interracial couples that appears in ads or TV. For ads they always have a black and another black person together, rarely do you see a Caucasian and a black person together. This could affect kids and teenagers the most; it makes them think if their Caucasian they have to be with another white person, vice versa for other races. Additionally this may cause bullying if somebody decides to form an interracial couple people could call them weird, wrong etc. The media promotes corrupt values because it changes how we

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