Meaning in Advertising

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Q3) How does advertising create meaning? Explore this using examples from THREE magazine or newspaper advertisements (from print or online sources). Include the full-sized advertisements as an appendix to your essay. Introduction Advertising is the key element for the purpose of selling goods and services and also to receive recognition by exposing their brand frequently. However advertising is extremely competitive so there are always new concepts being created to market the product more efficiently. Adverts are structured in a systematic and logical way in order to convey a particular meaning to the consumer. There functions depend upon terms which are essential for creating meaning within advertising. Firstly I shall explain a necessary factor known as semiotics, this is the study of signs and consists of two elements. A denotation being the literal meaning and connotation known as the cultural meaning. I will describe the importance of semiotics within advertising and how it is fundamental for how meaning is created within advertising. Also I’ll disclose the ideology of structuralism which is an analysis of linguistics, psychology and literature. Next I will explain a method coined by MacMahon and Quinn known as technical, symbolic and written codes, which is a significant part of developing and analysing adverts to reveal its meaning. The essay will entail a selection of three adverts which shall be selected from sources such as magazines. In order to determine the meanings behind these ads and perform a detailed analysis, the method of MacMahon and Quinn’s codes shall be applied while comparing each element with the theory of semiotics. Semiotics “The sign or representation is first, the object is a second and the interplant is a third.” (Appignansei, R, 1997:28) Semiotics is the study of signs which includes two
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