Mccarthyism And Calvinism: The Same Persecutions,

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The purpose of this paper is to compare the historical moment where the play “The Crucible” takes place and the moment when it was written. More than two centuries separate them: the story occurs in 1692 and Arthur Miller wrote it in 1953; but the whole play is a symbolism or an allegory to explain what was happening in the main capitalist countries during the cold war. Therefore, there are numerous points in common between these two historical moments. This essay will be focus on the analysis of the aspects related to the persecutions conducted in both periods: what caused them, the organizations in charge of carrying them out and the methods of these organizations. Some relations with the play itself will also be made. To begin with, “The Crucible” is settled in Salem, a town inhabited by Puritans. Practitioners of this religion were very devout and superstitious people who believed that every behavior opposed to the Bible, even the tiniest thing, was a sign of the Devil and witchcraft. After the Second World War ended in 1945, the countries divided into two huge and powerful blocs according to their economic system: Capitalism and Communism, which faced each other, always on the brink of war. The play was written during this period called the “Cold War” in the United States of America, the leader of the Capitalist bloc. By then, the American governors became paranoid: for them everyone who had a thought differently from the government was a communist that would jeopardize the social order and eventually undermine and destroy capitalism, the American way of life, and the nation itself. This fear to the different people was the generator of all the tragic events that befell in both periods. Thereby, this apprehension led the governments in these two eras to create special Committees to investigate and persecute anyone who was considered suspicious. As well
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