Maxwell Fry Essay

1600 Words7 Pages
MAXWELL FRY The pioneer of modern architecture. Modernism movement in the late 19th and early 20th centuries was a time of experimentations; it was about pushing the boundaries of the social norm, trying out new designs and materials. Just like this binder made of oak. The designer is able to find a way to soften the oak with chemicals so it’s not brittle when made this thin. In the inside it uses metal screws to bind the pages together. It’s not common as binders today are usually made of plastic or cardboard but the designer has made it and it’s a good design for the broad public. Modernism is a period of exactly that. Modernism was born from the fakery and clutter of the Victorian style of the late nineteenth century. It influenced arts, architecture, fashion and science as well. The leaders of modernism were seeking to bring good designs to the public and at the same time emphasizing handcraftsmanship. The movement started in Italy and Germany at the start of the century; It leaped across Europe and reached France and Russia, Eventually hitting the shores of Britain and North America. It was drawn on the blueprints of buildings and latest technologies of the time. Modernism struggled to get recognition from Britain and France, was completely banned in Russia and was the symbol of success in Italy. The role of carrying on this movement was on the shoulders of many. Picasso in Art, Eileen Grey in Furniture, Le Corbusier and Maxwell Fry in Architecture. Just to name a few. Some of these people have major significance in this movement and one of them is Maxwell Fry. Maxwell Fry was a British modernist architect born at the turn of the century. He was one of the architects who spearheaded the modernism movement in the architectural field. He had a major significance in the movement. In his book “Architecture and Environment” , he clearly states his
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