Matt Spurlock: 30 Days: A Case Study

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Introduction The concepts of anti-aging methods have been around for generations. Nobody wants to grow old. This is evident in the way our society glamorizes youth and the way that the aging seek out anti-aging remedies. In today’s society there is a new genre of medicine that claims to have the prescription to reverse the aging process. Anti-aging clinics are popping up everywhere. In a popular series called “Matt Spurlock: 30 days”, a 34 year old man named Scott Bridges who yearns for his younger physique and energy, is pursuing a controversial treatment using nutrition supplements, exercise, steroids, and human growth hormone (HGH). These therapies could be considered unethical because of the medical problems they can cause if used…show more content…
Dr. Miles stated that he had been practicing this program for several years. He told Scott and his wife that he had never had any negative effects reported to him up until the results of Scott’s abnormal liver tests. Dr. Miles failed to disclose information that may have altered Scott’s decision to continue with the program. Personal counseling as well as family counseling should be a requirement prior to and for the duration of the program in order to prepare the patient and his family for all possible occurrences. Examine and categorize alternatives: Providing information concerning both positive and negative outcomes of the injections may have been a viable source of information and a deciding factor to consenting for the 30 day program. Predict possible consequences for those acceptable alternatives: Scott may have decided to consent to treatment for the full 30 days regardless of the side effects discussed in detail. A consequence to consenting to treatment may be permanent liver damage as well as…show more content…
Even though it is the patient's right to be able to participate in regimens for anti-aging therapy, the nurse has the obligation to warn the patient concerning side effects of such treatments. During the 30 day program, Scott experienced the negative effects of the injections. Not only was if affecting him physically but also personally. The patient is a whole person and must be able to function in various roles in society. Exposure to unregulated drugs and therapies could wreak havoc on the form and function of an individual's abilities to accomplish these
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