Materialism vs Idealism - Philosopy

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In the debate between idealism and materialism, the ultimate question is - mind over matter or matter over mind? Materialism, a philosophy based on the idea that everything around us is made up of matter or is totally dependent on matter for survival, is in direct conflict with idealism, a philosophy which proclaims that reality is actually nothing but our ideas, our consciousness and our mind. In this essay, I will be discussing the difference between materialism and idealism. First of all what is materialism? Materialism is the oldest philosophical tradition in Western civilization, It views that everything that exists is either composed of matter or depends on matter for its existence. Materialists have believed that the only things that are real are things a person can perceive through his senses and that all events in the universe can be explained by scientific law. Materialism is that denial of the existence of a God who directs the universe and the immortality of the individual soul. Democritus was a Greek philosopher who lived in the 4th century B.C He was one of the earliest materialists who taught that everything in the world is composed of minute bits of matter which he named atoms. Materialism has always assumed that life is wholly the product of natural processes. All human thought and feeling emerges from the nonliving, inorganic matrix of physical nature and ends at death. Lucretius believed that thoughts and feelings were literally made up of a film of very fine atoms that peeled away from objects and recombined in the brain. D'Holbach believed that thoughts and feelings were the end product of chains of physical causation rooted in atomic motion. Buechner believed that thoughts and feelings were electrical impulses somehow shaped by the human nervous system into coherent patterns. Moreover, though it's not widely known, Lucretius and d'Holbach both

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