Mass Media Intro

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Discuss how far sociologists would agree that the internet and other digital media are now the main influences shaping how young people see themselves and others. The term mass media refers to forms of communication (the media) that reach large mass) audiences. Today in society internet and other media has influences on the audience especially to young people. In this essay I will discuss how far sociologists would agree that the media influence shaping how young people see themselves and others. Traditional media includes: newspapers, magazines, books, television, radio. In the 1960’s – 1970’s television only consisted of primarily three networks and public broadcasting. These channels aimed their programming at two parent middle class families. New media includes: the internet, mobile phones, digital radio, cable and satellite TV, Today, one can find a television in the poorest of homes, and multiple TVs in most middle-class homes. Not only has availability increased, but programming is increasingly diverse with shows aimed to please all ages, incomes, backgrounds, and attitudes. This widespread availability and exposure makes television the primary focus of most mass-media discussions. The internet dominates the mass media and is a powerful source on the audience. Some extra points to include: • Young people are at a rebellious stage in their lives and are more susceptible to influence • Parents are giving in more now than ever to provide their children with the latest gadgets aiding in their involvement with the wider world (social networking, internet) • Traditional media seems less convenient than new media (easier and quicker to surf the internet than buy and read a newspaper) • The continuous presence of the media everywhere everyday of our lives means that the boundaries between reality and media imagery has become blurred (crimes such as gun/knife
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