Mass Media and Electronics Are Taking over the World

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Mass Media and Electronics are Taking Over the World Is this new age of electronics and media influences good for our later generations? Electronics and other Media based technology is becoming very depended on by our population. Many aspects of our generation have become technology-based and are influenced by Mass Media such as the new technology schools use, the evolution of certain electronics, and the way electronics are used to express media. Influences in mass media and electronics are suffocating our younger generation and turning them against other forms of information and media. Many people of our generation have adapted to this electronic world and don’t think about the other ways they could be spending their lives. Instead they live in these media based worlds and have Television take over instead of going out, enjoying the city, exercising, and playing sports. Too many of us nowadays are attached to these electronics and they influence our lives in a negative way. It just shows how simple media programs can contribute to someone’s life so extremely. Electronics have severely influence many people in our world. Schools for instance are changing their form of education. Many classes have evolved from the generic whiteboard and chalkboard and are now using projector screens and other electronically based items to teach, which takes away the connection between teacher and student. Some teachers choose to not write out most notes and provide either a handout or use the projector screen and just have the student copy the work being put up on the board. In which case the student doesn’t expect to be taught but to teach themselves. There are those certain teachers who know the difference between teaching and showing the information they are providing and those are the teachers that aren’t being sucked in by this electronic evolution. Students are

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