Marxism And New Historicism

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Marxism and New Historicism Throughout the years, many different literary critic approaches were developed in order to maximize and improve the critics made towards literary works. By using different approaches to literature one can have a wider vision of the works and expand his critic of the work to the maximum. Literary criticism has been existed for as long as literature. Many theories have been brought up by many different professional of literature, however this essay will explain the difference between two newer theories, the Marxism literary criticism that was developed in the early 20th century (1920’s) and the New historicism that was popularized in the late 20th century (1990’s). Both of these approaches are very similar but meanwhile they have major contrast that differentiates one another. First of all, the Marxist literary theory is a literary theory based on socialist and dialectic theories and this approach to literature focuses on the ideological content of a work. This theory also tends to concentrate on the representation of conflicts between classes as well as the reinforcement of class distinctions throughout literature. This type of criticism was based mainly on Karl Marx writing of the 19th century. Karl Marx’s ideology focuses on revealing and explaining the class issues, and also on correcting these social injustices. Literature is used by the Marxist critics to explain and describe the socioeconomics interest of the society that too often lead to capitalist interest such as money and power instead of social interest such as justice or moral concerns coming. For Marxist, literature and literary criticism are essentially political because they either challenge or support the economic oppression in the societies. For this approach, literature is viewed as a product of the economic and ideological determinant of the era that
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