Martin Luther King and George Orwell's Satirical Fable Animal Farm

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A range of language features and structures can be utilised for the purpose of challenging contextual values by speaking about the need for change. To do this skilful orators will use a wide range of the techniques of rhetoric to manipulate an audience into accepting their point of view. This is evident in the speech, “I Have a Dream” by Martin Luther King, as the empowering use of figurative language, structural techniques and vivid imagery emphasizes the distinction between the past and the present, and how injustice, such as the racist segregation of “Negros” from white society, was still present in the 1960’s. In relation to this concept, Indira Gandhi’s speech on “The True Liberation of Women” aggressively expresses her growing concern for the rights of women as it empowers individuals to stand up against social issues such as injustice and the myriad of stereotypes through the varied uses of rhetoric. This ability to use rhetoric for a specific purpose is also evident in the speech of Squealer in George Orwell’s satirical fable “Animal Farm”. As it can be seen through the examples of skillful orators, who use a wide range of techniques of rhetoric that it is possible to manipulate an audience into accepting the point of view of the speaker. 
In 1963 King delivered his “I Have a Dream” speech at the Lincoln Memorial Statue in Washington DC. This location itself develops an immediate connection between King’s speech and that of Abraham Lincoln who signed the Emancipation Proclamation, which theoretically gave black Americans autonomy, 100 years before in the same building. Unfortunately the sentiments of the proclamation still were not being practised. The connection between past and present is further emphasised by King’s use of intertextuality “Five score years ago” as a mirrored effect of Lincoln’s “Four score and seven years ago”. King’s audience
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