Marriott - Intuit

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Introduction Earmarked as one of the top 100 companies to work for is a feat in itself; with the current economy on the brink of disaster it is a challenge just staying in business. However, companies such as the Marriott and Intuit have managed to stay focused on the task and effectively maintain loyalty with both its workforce and its customers. Marriott International Inc– Is a lodging company that started as a rootbeer stand by J. Willard Marriott and his wife in 1927 in Washington DC; the company eventually expanded to worldwide operations and franchisor with a broad portfolio in hotels and related lodging facilities. According to M2 Presswire (2009), “[Marriott] employs about 151,000 people. The company recorded revenues of $12,990 million during the financial year (FY) ended December 2007, an increase of 8.3% over 2006. The increase in revenues was primarily driven by stronger demand for hotel rooms worldwide, which allowed Marriott to increase room rates, and by favorable exchange rates worldwide. The operating profit of the company was $1,188 million during FY2007, an increase of 9.3% over 2006. The net profit was $696 million in FY2007, an increase of 14.5% over 2006”. Marriott’s son J.W. Marriott, Jr. now leads the company. Today the company has over three thousand lodging facilities located in the United States and 68 other countries and territories. J.W. Marriott Jr. has more than 50 years of leadership experience and throughout his tenure he realized that a healthy business is not just knowing your product but caring for your employees and customers. When the question was put to Mr. Marriott on what it takes to succeed in the hospitality industry, his response according to Marriott (1997), “It takes a corporate culture that says people are important. Service is going to be the ultimate determining factor on what businesses should do, and

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