marriage song Essay

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The view of love Beth Gylys presents in her poem “Marriage Song” is exceptionally meaningful to me. Gylys did not hold back in showing the truth about married lovers and their tendency to show each other the exact opposite of love. “Marriage Song” is a poem in which Gylys writes of married couples having affairs. However, it also shows how love can make people not realize their lives are passing them by. It is about how love is often unreal and true love is rare. I strongly agree with the majority of the views of love that Gylys presents in the poem “Marriage Song.” Throughout the villanelle “Marriage Song,” the main view of love that Gylys writes of is that most marriages result in affairs. The first line of the poem, “Some have affairs. They never stop to think,” repeats four times because it is central point that Gylys is trying to make. She is indicating that “some” refers to the fact that affairs are frequent. I agree with Gylys that marriages are not nearly as meaningful as they used to be because affairs have become far more common. Gylys thinks that most often affairs are the result of a lack of taking the chance to think about the consequences and what a marriage means. However, I disagree with that view because it should not take any thinking to not have an affair. If a person is truly in love with their spouse, they should never have the thought of cheating in the first place. In the last stanza, Gylys writes about the man’s wife leaving with the children. The idea of children reinforces my belief that Gylys was incorrect in saying that marriages fail due to not taking the time to think. The husbands have their wives that they should be committed to, but their children should also emphasize the importance of the marriage. Therefore, I think the cause of failed marriages is not lovers not thinking, but rather lovers falling out of love.

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