Marriage Problems For Uneducated People

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A sociologist once said: “Growth and development of the society depends a great deal on the level of knowledge of its cores which are the families”. A family in which knowledge is respected can help the growth of the society. Families are the basic ingredients of a society, and the progress of the society is dependent on the families. People who live in uneducated families and do not have a high level of education will face many problems in marriage. Anyone who does not graduate from university cannot get married because of not being a good model for his or her children, low level of salary, and increasing education level in the society. One important reason anyone who does not graduate from university cannot get married is that he or she cannot be a good model for his or her children. Children follow the path of their parents, and look at them to set an example for living. An uneducated father or mother cannot be a good model for children. When a child sees his or her parents who are not educated, he or she will not have any incentive to acquire a high level of education. For example, a person can obviously see that children from families with high level of education have a greater chance of being educated because they have seen what the way of success is. Highly educated families, however, encourage their children educate and create different incentives for children in order to follow their interests and get educated in a particular field. Parents with high level of education can create a better environment for their children and show them the way of success because parents have known and passed that way. A more important reason anyone who does not graduate from university cannot get married is that he or she will have a low level of salary. Married life has much more expenses than unmarried life, and a person who wants to get married must be able to cover
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