Market Segmentation, Market Targeting and Market Positioning of Nokia and Motorola

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Introduction Mobile phones are used by almost everyone worldwide; there is no one that doesn’t check their mobile once in a while these days. In this report I would like to show the Market STP strategies of the mobile phones that were popular before Samsung and Apple took the biggest market share. Nokia, Motorola, Sony Ericson, Siemens and Philips were the leading brands when mobile phones hit the market in the early years of 2000’s. We will be looking into how Nokia and Motorola did their market segmentation, market targeting and market positioning. Defining Market Segmentation, Market Targeting and Market Positioning For a company to be successful in the market, it needs to outsmart their competitors, with an excellent marketing strategy, then their brands will be known worldwide and be able to last long in the market. In order for this to happen, certain steps are made, so companies need to identify their target market that it can satisfy effectively. It is done by segmenting the whole market into smaller groups, targeting the specific segment they want to cater to, and positioning their product to this target market. Market segmentation involves dividing the market into group of consumers with similar needs and wants. Market researchers define these market segments by their geographic, demographic, psychographic and behavioural characteristics (Kotler and Keller, 2012) Psychographic and behavioural characteristics are used to determine preferences and demand for a product and advertising content. While geographic and demographic characteristics are used to determine product design and regional focus (Faisal, 2011). Market Targeting is done by selecting and evaluating which market segments to satisfy. There are considerations for selecting target markets which are: market size- substantiality, expected growth – future potential, competitive position –

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