Marines Positive Reinforcement

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Marines are indispensible assets and letting them depart an organization unrecognized is contradictive to what the Marine Corps stands for. Marine Corps leadership traits and principles teach that unselfishness and the welfare of the individual Marine is paramount. It is imperative to the overall effectiveness of the Marine Corps that senior leaders exercise positive reinforcement because it influences retention and affects mission accomplishment. Retention of Marine Corps manpower can be increased through the proper application of positive reinforcement. This can be accomplished in many ways. Marines have dispensed blood, sweat, and tears on many battlefields abroad. They have also made a rite of passage through either Paris Island or San Diego Recruit Depots to earn the coveted title “Marine”. Marines make sacrifices for an institution and country that appreciates their devotion, not for a paycheck. Granted, most Marines are unselfishly devoted to their service, but the mere acknowledgement of a Marine’s efforts can pay the institution itself countless dividends. This lets the individual Marine know that they are part of a team; a team they have the choice of reenlisting for every four years. Are commanders ensuring their subordinate leaders are introducing positive reinforcement at a level consummate to positively affect retention? A unit lifeless of…show more content…
Those two traits are nonexistent without the proper and precise application of positive reinforcement. Paying Marines the appropriate acknowledgements breeds morale, which has a direct affect on retention and overall mission accomplishment. America’s servicemen and women, at the very least, deserve an intangible debt of gratitude. Absent this, and any other positive reinforcement, and Marines might as well go and negotiate the formidable battlefields of civilian

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