As a Seabee, it is my duty and responsibility to maintain the highest degree of integrity while serving my country with honor, courage, and commitment in the United States Navy. When I think of the word "integrity" as a person, I think naturally of pms checks. When we perform maintenance, we value the assurance that we have completed the check to the best of our ability, because the battalion relies on us to make sure the equipment has been inspected, both during PMS, and during prestart. As a member of naval mobile construction battalion eleven, I have been taught the importance of taking care of our civil engineer support equipment and ensuring the quality of their condition whenever we inspect and conduct maintenance on them. Every one of my shipmates' lives depends on my personal integrity in ensuring that our civil engineer support equipment are squared away.
• Role Model: Setting a living example of the values, ethics and standards of the Navy; taking an active interest in the personal and professional development of personnel. Mentorship is an extremely beneficial career development tool, that when effectively implemented results in better job performance from employees, higher advancement rates, higher morale, and overall job satisfaction. The two types of mentoring relationships recognized by the Command are “Informal” and “Formal”. Informal Mentorship: Informal Mentoring is a mentoring relationship that occurs naturally when a person seeks professional advice and guidance from a more experienced person, outside the context of command prescribed instructions and guideline requirements. There are no written expectations for personnel in informal
Articles in the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) that require explanation will be presented in such a way to ensure that Soldiers are fully aware of the controls and obligations imposed on them by virtue of their military service (see Art 137, UCMJ). (c) Properly training their Soldiers and ensuring that both Soldiers and equipment are in the proper state of readiness at all times. Commanders should assess the command climate periodically to analyze the human dimension of combat readiness. Soldiers must be committed to accomplishing the mission through the unit cohesion developed as a result of a healthy leadership climate established by the command. Leaders at all levels promote the individual readiness of their Soldiers by developing competence and confidence in their subordinates.
Principles of Leadership What Leadership Means To Me What is Leadership? Leadership is a quality a person may have. It is the skill to motivate and inspire others. One of the differentiating factors between a Manager and a Leader is the ability to inspire. A Leader, one who can instill passion and direction to an individual or group of individuals My idea of leadership is being able to inspire others, motivate, set a vision, communicate, respect others, and of course, lead by example.
This appendix discusses the actions Army leaders take to develop their subordinates' character. That character is what gives us drive and motivation completes the mission and duty at hand. Army leaders are responsible for refining the character of soldiers and DA civilians. How does the Army as an institution ensure proper character development? What should leaders do to inculcate Army values in their subordinates?
Another way that I show loyalty is by wearing the uniform of the U.S. Army. Not only am I a Cadet but a Student Athlete as well. I will come to practice and training to better my performance as well as score points for the team to participate in big events; which fall under duty. "Treating others with dignity and respect while expecting others to do the same," is what I live by. Respect is trusting that all people have done their jobs and fulfilled their duty.
Air Force Core Values “The foundation is integrity, fortified by a commitment to the service of our country, and fueled by a drive in excellence in all that we do. The Air Force recognizes integrity first, service before self, and excellence as its core values. These are values every member must believe in, and more importantly, must live by. They are not just words, they are the standard. The core values are much more than the standard for work, they are a standard for life.
At that moment You may have to take charge and be the leader. As a leader I feel I already have a great impact on society as a whole. Although I may impact the people I work with directly, I have an impact not only my community but my country. I quickly learned when I first joined the Army that I am a role model. Everyone is watching how I not only act but lead because I am in a leadership position.
Esprit de corps is a traditional military expression that denotes the Army’s common spirit, a collective ethos of camaraderie and cohesion within the team. Esprit de corps exists at all levels, influencing individual morale, team cohesion, and ethos within the Army Profession. It is reflected in motivation, morale and discipline of the soldiers in a unit. Pride in what they are doing for their families and the American people, as well as just knowing they are doing something good with their lives but living up to the army morals and values. Espirit De Corps in a unit can be based on the experience and history of the unit as well as customs and traditions unique to it.
The Importance Of Accountability In The United States Marine Corps Today is very crucial.There are a number of different kinds of accountability in the Marine Corps today.The different forms of accountability range from the accountability of the marines in your squad or platoon. I will touch a little bit on this subject and hopefully be able to successfully explain to you why each form is important in its own way.First of all ill start with the accountability of your Marines and then eventually make my way through to the other forms of accountability. Having proper accountability of your Marines is very important and crucial in many different ways. Most importantly when you have the proper accountability of your marines, you succesfully know that the said name Marine is safe and not in trouble or in harms way,and more importantly you know exactly where the said name Marine is and you know if they are in the proper place that they are supposed to be and if they are there on time. Knowing where the said name marine is at all times eliminates the wasting of important time looking for them or wondering where they are,and can keep you from sacrificing mission accomplishment.