Marine Corps Barracks Regualtions

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Rules and Regulations in the Barracks A regulation is a rule or directive made and maintained by an authority. They are put in place to keep people safe and to maintain peace. If they weren’t any rules and regulations and punishment for not obeying them then people would do whatever they want and the world would be chaos. Society would not be able to function. Regulations are put in place by the Marine Corps to protect its personnel and to essentially protect them from themselves. If there were no rules and regulations in the Marine Corps it would be impossible to be a force in readiness. The mission would not get completed and the Marine Corps would fail. Rules are put in place in the barracks to keep the barracks a suitable place to live and the keep the resident’s safe from outsiders. A staff is put in place to make sure that the barracks is in regulations with Marine Corps order. There is a BEQ advisory board that holds quarterly meetings, act as a liaison between the BEQ manager and the commanding officer, act as a governing body for all issues concerning geographical bachelors, and finally recommend policy changes to the commanding officer. A BEQ manager is put in place to coordinate all work requests and track their progress, at as a direct representative of the BEQ OIC , make room assignments or recommend room changes to the BEQ OIC, ensure cleanliness and safety are maintained throughout the building, supervise weekly field days assign specific duties to deck NCOs for field day of common areas, conduct the Friday morning inspection, provide administrative and logistical support to the deck NCOs, conduct daily inspections of the passageways, common areas, grounds and at least 10 rooms, submit all work requests and emergency trouble calls to S-4, maintain a work request file and emergency logbook, maintain a folder on all assigned personnel. Deck NCOs are

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