Marine Biology Essay

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Marine Biology is the scientific study navigation of organisms in the ocean or other marine or brackish bodies of water. The history of Marine Biology began in the 1200 BC when the Phoenicians went out to sea using celestial navigation. In the modern day study of Marine Biology began with the exploration by Captain James Cook in 18th century Britain. Cook was most known for going on a lot of voyages out to sea. Following Captain Cook Charles Darwin has been doing a closer study of Marine life (he was also known for the Theory of Evolution). Darwin went on the HMS Beagle. He went on in 1831 he spent five years collecting and studying sea life (he came back in 1836). All of Darwin’s marine organisms that he found when he was on the HMS Beagle have been sent to a British Museum for cataloguing. When Darwin was on the HMS Beagle it helped him make theories of natural selection and evolution. Sir Charles Wyville Thomson (1830-1882) was following the foot-steps of Darwin. Thomson’s boat was called the HMS Challenger. He used this boat to go all over the world in sea collecting marine specimen. The voyage that Thomson did it had birthed oceanography. All this data that Thomson collected was served as a basis for the study of Marine Biology for many years. A British explorer, Edward Forbes, said that marine life doesn’t exist below 550 m or 1,800 feet in sea. The HMS Challenger was well built and stocked with a lot of supplies. It had laboratories on the ship and microscopes, chemistry supplies, trawls, and dredges etc. When Thomson got back to shore, everything he collected on the ship he put it on paper. All the information took up 30,000 pages of oceanography and discovered the mid-Atlantic Ridge! Forbes said that there would be no marine life 1,800 feet below in sea, well scientists are still working on this today to see if it is true or not and Sir Thomson also wrote a

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