Marijuana Conspiracy

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The Conspiracy Behind Marijuana Many people know of marijuana in some way, either by personal experience or know of someone that uses it. What most people don’t know is the many beneficial uses of marijuana. There are so many misconceptions about the cannabis plant. What you hear in the media about marijuana may not be true. The reason for this, in my opinion, is the fact that the US Government wants the public to believe that marijuana is “bad” and should remain illegal. This “cover-up” began in the early 1900’s and still remains in effect today. Many Americans are suffering unjustly because of the illegalization of a drug that is safer than any legal drug on the market today. The hemp plant has many industrial uses and medicinal…show more content…
Hemp seed oil can be used for as a base for paints and varnishes. Hemp oil is a valuable lubricant. New research shows that hemp oil is excellent oil for human consumption. Hemp is already used in place of trees for pressed board, particle board, and core concrete construction molds. Paper made from hemp is acid-free and lasts much longer and is stronger than paper made from trees. The hemp fabrics are stronger and more resistant to mold than any other natural fiber. [The first Levi’s blue jeans were made from hemp] (Julin, part I, para. 7). Hemp can be used to make plastic, replacing toxic materials as polyvinyl chloride (PVC). Hemp is already used in place of fiber glass in surfboards and snowboards and can also provide the resin itself (Rosenthal & Kubby 62-63). The pulp can also be burned as is or made into charcoal, methanol, methane, gasoline, or ethanol. Some diesel engines can run on pure pressed hemp oil. (Julin, part I, para.…show more content…
As mentioned earlier, marijuana refers to the medicinal applications of cannabis (flowers and leaves of the cannabis plant). Hemp refers to the stalk of the cannabis plant. The marijuana plant contains more than 460 known compounds, of which more than 60 chemicals in marijuana that may have medicinal uses. China has been cultivating marijuana for medicinal purposes as early as 4000 B.C. and in Turkistan by 3000 B.C. “It has long been used as a medicine in India, China, the Middle East, Southeast Asia, South Africa, and South America.” (Grinspoon & Bakalar) Here are a few common illnesses that can be treated with
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