Marco & Radolpho

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Marco and Rodolpho are both brothers and Beatrices cousins who came to America in search of a job. But this is where their similarities end. Marco and Rodolpho came to America for different reasons. Marco came to America because he wanted to help his family. His oldest son is sick of tuberculoucious and is at risk of dying. He doesn't plan to stay in America for ever, he wants to earn some money and send it to his wife to save his son's life. There is no way that Marco would be able to provide for his family in Italy because it was still rebuilding from the revages of the World war 2. However, Rodolpho doesn't have a family and as the play goes on, we learn that Rodolpho only came to work in America to get married and be an American citizen. Rodolpho the platinum blode is a singing full blooded Italian and the greatest threat to Eddie Carbone. The play really does not fill out the whole character of Rodolpho as an individual, whose motivations are left as unseen. Unlike Beatrice and catherine who we hear talking about their thoughts and feelings, Rodolpho reveal little about himself. A lot of questions are left unanswered including his sexuality, his love for Catherine and whether he forgives Eddie at the play's conclusion. Much depends on the actor playing Rodolpho to make clear character choices for Rodolpho because Rodolpho is quite vaque in the play. The aundience never really know if Rodolpho truly loves Catherine. Their romance is curiously devoid of passion. Unlike his brother, Marco, Rodolpho does not seek revenge to Eddie for calling the immigration office and abusing his fionce in front of him. It is clear that Rodolpho wants to be an American citizen and Eddie believes he wants to gain that goal through getting married to his beloved niece, Catherine. There is a possibility that Rodolpho does not love Catherine and that he only wants to get

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