Many Characters in the Novel Are Lonely Because They Feel Alienated from the Rest of the Group. Explain How the Following Characters Are Lonely Due to Their Alienation from the Group: Lennie, Crooks, Candy, and Curley’s

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Personally I think loneliness is the reason for some of Lennie's internal issues, which the reason he different from the other lonely characters. For an example, his obsession for soft objects gives him the dream for a farm with soft animals such as mice, puppies, and rabbits. He will never really accomplish this because he doesn’t know how to control himself when he is with them , or even a lady. Also Lennie’s deep desire for affection is apart of his loneliness and the lifestyle he has with George doesn’t give him with a sufficient amount of care that he needs. The wanting for soft items is his way of getting a calm feeling that he does not get from anyone else. Lennie has become aware of his actions when he deals with the soft items like the killing of the small mouse in the beginning of the book, Lennie shows his cautiousness towards George when he states: "Give `um to me George. I'll take `um back. I didn't mean no harm, George. Honest. I didn't. I jus' wanted to pet `um a little" (43), and the killing of Curley’s wife at the end of the book. Loneliness has made Lennie very cautious towards others because he has to worry about getting in trouble. With Crooks being the only black man on the ranch he is automatically going to feel alienated, When the other men at the ranch do not relate with Crooks unless he is working because he is black is when he really feels lonesome. Other than when they are working, the other men shut Crooks out off all of their activities except horseshoes. Crooks is very isolated and not welcome in leisure activities in which they do to Curleys Wife also. He has become bitter and known to lash out at people because of the loneliness that he has. When he talks to Lennie in his room about having no one to relate to and communicate with. He states: "Maybe you can see now. You got George. You know he's goin' to come back. S'pose you

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