Manikant Singh History Optional

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History as an optional subject As an optional subject, history has always had a greater relevance. The selection of any subject as an optional subject can be judged on the following criterion- 1. Is the syllabus lucid and clear? 2. Is there proper availability of the books? 3. Is the subject marks- fetching? 4. Does the subject favour the students from specific background? 5. Is a standard guideline available in the subject or not? Now we are supposed to evaluate History as an optional subject on the basis of the criteria mentioned above- 1- The syllabus of history is lucid and clear. Hardly the syllabus of any other optional subject is as clear as we find in case of history. There is some misconception among certain students that its syllabus is larger in size but the reality is completely different. In fact, in order to make the syllabus more comprehendible the major topic has consciously been divided into different sub topics. While preparing the subject, the students are expected to consult a very limited number of books. Above all in history subject one can find the questions which are within the periphery of the topic. Here questions do not go outside the boundary of the topic as we find in case of some other subjects. 2. History can be classified as a mainstream humanity subject so there is no dearth of books in the market. A lot of choices are available in almost all the topics but while keeping in your view the constraints of time you are expected to select the best choice. 3. Quite surprisingly I have placed the issue of marks in the third point not the first one. Why? As I am convinced about the fact that the subject which can qualify on other criterion can very well qualify on the criterion of marks as well. History is a successful subject on the criterion of marks. Every year, students with history as their optional subject dominate the list of

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