Manifest Destiny Essay

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Manifest Destiny will Always Exist “Manifest Destiny -- a phrase used by leaders and politicians in the 1840s to explain continental expansion by the United States -- revitalized a sense of 'mission' or national destiny for Americans.” [1] The reason why settlers moved to the New World was to live in freedom and start a new life with no restrictions. As settlers saw the opportunity of taking land and realizing their dream, more settlers moved to the New World. “Groups in England and Europe were quick to capitalize in the dreams of land, profit, power, and political and religious refuge that America represented.”[2] People had their “Land of Opportunity”; they could start from the beginning. They had to develop their own rules and politics. The US was built out of their dream with freedom as basic part. Politicians took the idea of the “Manifest Destiny” and made it as their foreign policy, as seen all around the world. Manifest Destiny has been a vital part of modern history and throughout history it has been seen as an important factor in society. The whole idea started in Europe because people were depressed and had no freedom. One reason to go to the New World was that there weren’t any restrictions and they could practice there own religious freedom. “The first act of the freemen was to gather, perhaps in some open space in the woods, in order to elect a committee to decide upon the location of the village…”[3] The principles for democracy were laid in the New World for in contrast to Europe and its hierarchic principles, the people collectively made the decisions for example how, where houses built, streets and so on. The first settlers saw themselves as chosen for the Promised Land now known today as the USA. The idea has its roots in the bible where God guided his folk into the Promised Land Israel out of the captivity of Egypt. “Displacing ancient
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