Mango Toothpaste Essay

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INVESTIGATORY PROJECT: MANGO TOOTHPASTE TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION: * Objectives CHAPTER 2 REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE: * Foreign * Local CHAPTER 3 METHODOLOGY: * Materials and Equipment * Steps and Procedure CHAPTER 4 EXPERIMETATION: CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSION: CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION: We Filipinos do love EATING, right? Our mouth is busy chewing all day and some of the food particles were left on it. Do you know what could be happening inside your mouth when you haven’t brush your teeth often? Germs are growing and covering your teeth, feeding off the food particles left from the food. Sounds awful, doesn't it? There's no need to panic, though. It's normal to have bacteria inside your mouth. But make sure you understand and know how to clean your mouth effectively so germs don’t get out of control. As we all know, toothpaste is used to promote oral hygiene. It removes dental plaque, food particles from our teeth, and other unwanted dirt inside our mouth. So the best way to prevent germs from spreading, BRUSH YOUR TEETH (at least twice a day). When I was doing this research, I’ve noticed that most of the commercial toothpastes in any brand name are made and/or flavored with MINT. And thanks to Google for answering my question, it says that mint has the power to “spread cool” inside the mouth, gives the user the feeling of projecting fresh breath to those he/she talks to and especially it cleanses your palate. But it has a strong taste that children don’t like too. Most of the mothers out there have a big problem about their children brushing their teeth and MY problem, too. Why? Because I have a 5 years old brother complaining with the harsh taste of the toothpaste so I had trouble forcing him to brush his teeth. And as a DIY fan, I came up with an idea that what if I try to make my

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