Managing Traffic In Singapore

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‘The Vehicle Quota System (VQS) is the most important measure in keeping traffic flow smooth in Singapore’ How far do you agree with the statement? Explain your answer. Singapore is a small country with a small land area and limited resources. Since it has a high population density, there is a need for proper land planning. Sufficient land must also be set aside for different uses especially with Singapore’s growing population. Therefore, Singapore has managed to use different measures to control to flow of traffic in Singapore, one of which is the Vehicle Quota System. However, it is not the most important measure in keeping traffic flow smooth in Singapore as there are other factors that play a part in that role as well. The Vehicle Quota System was a measure taken to control the car population in Singapore. Under the Vehicle Quota System, the Land Transport Authority determined the number of new motor vehicles allowed for registration. It was decided that one of the ways to administer the Vehicle Quota System was through the implementation of the Certificate of Entitlement (COE) system. Under this system, a specific number of cars are issued based on the quota set by the Land Transport Authority. Car buyers must first bid for the Certificate of Entitlement before they can purchase the car based on the quota set each month by the Land Transport Authority. The Certificate of Entitlement then allows the motorists to own the car for 10 years, after which there was a need to renew the Certificate of Entitlement. This limited the number of new cars that could be purchased as it made the buying of cars expensive. Thus, many people did not find cars affordable and reduced the number of vehicles on the road. However, there are still other measures taken to control the traffic flow in Singapore. Another way Singapore has achieved the control of traffic flow is
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