Managing Quality Customer Service - Assessment 1

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Manage Quality Customer Service Assessment 1 1. a. Amira has external clients in the “older ladies group” in the gym, these clients prefer a particular instructor. The need from Amira’s organisation is to provide an instructor but they choose to fulfill the want as well by providing the preferred instructor when possible. b. Similarly John has customers that rebrand the products. This means that providing continuity in the employee’s that deal with each client is of great importance. Technically the company could see this request as a want but they identify the value it provides and work hard to assign individuals for each client. 2. John and Jessica’s relationship is an example of an internal customer relationship. John requires high quality customer service to the clients he is supplying to. It is Jessica’s job to provide this service, there must be constant contact between these teams to ensure this relationship is maintained. Jessica relies on John to provide quality product in an appropriate time and manner. 3. Jessica has identified an issue with the internal customer relationships in the pharmaceutical supplier. Jessica believes, and can quote a specific example that identifies, that this is affecting the quality of service the company is providing. This issue could be resolved by allowing open communication between the team leader (who has been identified as a quality source) and the upper management in day to day issues that arise. This would mean that the script that the customer service team stick to can be revised, as required, and any changes in quality of product or delivery delays can be passed onto external clients on a timely manner. 4. Standard | Service Levels | Actions | Acceptable level of knowledge and understanding of all staff | Ability to answer customer enquiries and questions in regards to training goals, safety and

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