Managing Human Resource

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Managing human resource Task 1 Using Guest and Storey’s models of HRM compare the difference between human resource management and personnel and industrial relations practices. Discuss the implication, to line mangers, employees and senior management, of Mercer adapting a strategic approach to human resource management. Answer to task 1 1.1 Explain guest model of HRM David guest created the guest model on 1987; he defined the four policy goals: * Strategic integration: it is a ability to create a strategic plan to solve the HRM issues * High commitment: make the agreed goals, attitudinal commitment. * High quality: identification of the quality of goods and services, some areas of management of employees. * Flexibility: ensuring the adaptable organization structure. (Derek Torrington, 2008) In 1997, Guest recognized that, the link between high performance and commitment is the approach of HRM. Although the evidence shows the link of HRM and performance, suggest that HRM work. The approach still shows that HRM need to take the important strategic role in the industry. The model of HRM is dealing with the external and internal factors with organizations. It includes * The policies * Formulation * Implementation of rules * Regulation * Recruitment * Promotions When the external and internal factors are involved in HRM, then the best way is the social activity. The employee in a company should be a part of society. Therefore the guest model of HRM provides the good idea for the company, when there are some problems with the companies. 1.2 Compare the difference between storey’s definitions of HRM, personnel and IR practices According to storey’s perception of how to evolve the personnel ad IR practices to HRM practices. Storey (1995) has defined a theoretical model. There are twenty-seven differences
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