Managing Director of a Private Specialist Hospital

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Imagine being the Managing Director of a private specialist hospital in KL. What kind of leadership approach and emotional intelligence should you possess, taking into account the personality types of employees under your care as well as your general perceptions toward them? What would be the best way to communicate with this diverse workforce? How do we motivate them in the best way? A leader is someone who influences a group of people towards the achievement of a goal. As the Managing Director of a private specialist hospital, we must wisely manage all the things that are upon us and has a strong commitment to influence employees to achieve the goals. There are several stages that must be implemented to influence the employees to carry out their duties properly. As a leader too, our job is to offset some of requirements or needs, such as personal needs, groups and organizations. Leading is establishing direction and influencing others to follow that direction. But this definition isn't as simple as it sounds because leadership has many variations and different areas of emphasis. Common to all definitions of leadership is the notion that leaders are individuals who, by their actions, facilitate the movement of a group of people toward a common or shared goal. This definition implies that leadership is an influence process. Leadership has been described as “a process of social influence” in which one person can enlist the aid and support of others in the accomplishment of a common task. Ideally, all managers should be leaders. The distinction between leader and leadership is important, but potentially confusing. The leader is an individual, while leadership is the function or activity this individual performs. The word leader is often used interchangeably with the word manager to describe those individuals in an organization who have positions of formal

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