Managing Desertification Essay

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Managing Desertification Report Nazirul Ibrahim 12H Geography Desertification is a process of land degradation, that occurs in the areas of arid, semi arid and dry humid areas, due to draughts and human exploitations, causing billions of people from 100 countries to migrate, from their rural environment, to an urban civilization. Desertification is happening worldwide, increasing rapidly at the rate of 20 thousand square miles annually. The most affected countries are in North America and certain parts of Africa. What makes this a real problem is that it is affecting some of the poorest countries in the world, where precipitation is very low, and drainage of water is very high, and these countries are helpless in combating against desertification without the assistance of others. Observing the map above is would be that up in the high north, desertification has a less chance of occurring itself because of the coldness. Most south American countries, European, south African and far east/south east Asian countries are less affected as well, as tropical climate is very high over there and massive precipitation. In dry areas such as sub Saharan Africa most parts of Australia and certain parts of the middle east/Russia/china, the chance of spreading desertification is very high and in some poorer countries, the management of preserving their soils is very low. Even though the labeled map is showing the current events happening now due to current environments and current climate change, the land use and how we exploit it is changing everyday, and it is not a surprise if this label maps shows differences in the near future, as the cause of desertification is humans and their exploitations. The cause of desertification varies in many ways. One of the terms is that the lack of management that cannot satisfy the city/country’s need of not wanting
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