Management: Organisations That Fail to Plan Are Planning to Fail

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BBA102 Essay By Hannah Pepler ID: 42321174 ‘Organisations that fail to plan are planning to fail’ Organisations that fail to plan are planning to fail To discuss this question ‘planning’ must be defined, planning, according to Management: The essentials by Pearson means: defining goals, establishing strategy and developing plans to coordinate activities, but simply, planning means setting out what is to be done and how it is to be done. I believe that planning is essential not only for management but for everyone in the organisation. However, there are many reasons why a plan may still fail, so organisations must make sure all steps of the planning process are thoroughly analysed and followed, taking in all considerations in order to prepare for fundamental changes. According to Pearson’s Management: The essentials There are four main reasons that planning is essential for managers: it establishes co-ordinated efforts, reduces uncertainty, reduces overlap and wasteful activities, and it establishes goals and standards. However, Pearson’s explains there are also some critics to challenge these basic assumptions of planning particularly: planning may create inflexibility and formal plans can’t replace intuition and creativity which may lead to failure. However these are very minimal and most studies show planning and performance have a generally positive relationship. The first reason, establishing co-ordinated effort, displays that planning gives a path and direction to managers and employees, when all members of the organisations team understand where the organisation is going and what they must contribute to reach the goals that have been set they can coordinate their activities to that task, thus nurturing teamwork and cooperation. In contrast, a lack of correct planning can cause the members of the organisation to work competitively against one
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