Manage My Time

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Personal Change Project “Time is like the water in the sponge, you will get it as long as you twist it”. I have studied in this college one year, and I found there isn't enough time to do everything that I need to. Is it caused by more homework? The answer is no. Through self-change project, I found the main reason is I don’t mange my time very well. For instance, at weekends, I always play games or go outside with friends, and do all the homework at Sundays. Besides, when I do homework, I always check my cell phone or computer. Therefore, these distractions make my time is not enough. Actually, if I have a methodic time management, I will have more time on study and my personal things. Time management is an important skill that suit for not only study but also jobs, leisure, and lots of aspects in life. Thus, my overall goal for this self-change project is learn how to manage my time efficiently. Since I started my project at March 24, I wrote down a self-change contract. I used this contract to control my behavior. I will introduce the techniques that I am using to change my target behavior. Firstly, I made a list of tasks I need to accomplish. However, before I start to manage my time, I will figure out what it is I must finish today. Based on this, I make a order for this task. For example, I will check ecampus and find what homework due today. Next, put this homework on the list first that means this is the first thing I should finish. The second method I use on this project is playing a game with myself by competing against the time. For example, I will set an approximate time before I do the task. After that, I will try to spend less time than approximate time. The measurements I use to quantify my goal is crossing the tasks off from the list. This way can easily show whether I finish my daily tasks. In addition, I feel relaxed by
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