Man, Scociety, Nature

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Man, society, nature… The harmony of co-existence of man, society and nature has recently become one of the vital issues. This harmony should not be broken. A lot of books have been written concerning the entity of man and nature. At first, it seems that it is as easy as pie to divide natural and social bases. Some objects refer to nature and others to society. As a matter of fact, it is not as easy as it may seem. Demonstrably, trees in parks are planted by human beings, but at the same time its seeds and the process of growth is a matter of nature. Buildings are built by people, but the materials, which are essential for it, are the gifts of nature. First of all, a man is a product of evolution of nature and society. It is well known, that the laws of biological evolution illuminates the way a man occurred, how he made his appearance on the Earth, but the further development of society and man itself started to be conducted already by absolutely other laws – social-historical ones. Indeed, true humane basis in a man is shaped not during the process of his instinctive adaptation to the environment, but it is moulded during the process of man’s conscious active influence on the environment , as well as by development of labour and society. Equally important, that the trend of development of relationship between nature and man leads to simultaneous changes in nature and therefore in forms of human farming. Since the appearance of a man 3 processes have been taking place: natural one, social one and combined, which blends in itself both processes. Day by day man communicates with nature, environment. It is impossible to analyze society without taking into consideration its interaction with nature, because it exists and develops in it. Futher, the influence of the society upon nature is determined by the development of science, engineering, as well as the type
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