Mama Values In Alice Walker's Everyday Use

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Every Day Use On Alice Walker’s short story “Everyday use”, it clearly shows two different points of views. Mama values her heritage and embraces her life as it is, while Dee has always wanted something different. Dee has never been told no and sees her family and their belongings as a piece of history. Mama loves Dee and has never denied her from anything she ever wanted, even at the expense of Maggie; however, when Dee comes back for a visit everything changed. Mama finally stands up to Dee and realizes the beauty in Maggie. Mama is a simple woman. She has worked hard her entire life and has done the best to support her family. Although Mama may not agree with Dee, it seems as if she is caught up in Dee’s opinions and behavior. Almost as if she wants to be enough for Dee because she knows she never has been. In a way, Mama admires Dee, which is probably why Dee has rarely, if ever, heard the word no, while Maggie cannot even get a compliment or at the very…show more content…
Regardless, throughout the story we really only hear Maggie once. ““Mama,” Wangero said sweet as a bird. “Can I have these old quilts?” I heard something fall in the kitchen, and a minute later the kitchen door slammed” (Walker, 75). This is a crucial part of the story because up until this point, Maggie stood behind Mama, made no sound, cowered in the corners, and could not even look into the eyes of their visitor. When Mama informs Dee that these quilts are for Maggie, Dee’s response follows, “Maggie can’t appreciate these quilts! She said. “She’d probably be backward enough to put them to everyday use” (Walker, 75). Something about both Dee’s and Maggie’s reactions made Mama see things more clearly. All of the sudden, both Dee and Maggie could be seen through the eyes of their Mama for exactly who they

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