Male and Female Skeleton

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The Difference between a Male and Female Skeleton It may seem like there should be a huge difference between the male skeleton and the female skeleton, but there really many huge differences. The only really big and noticeable one is that the pelvis in a female skeleton is more rounded than the pelvis in a male skeleton. There are many subtle differences though. As most know the reason a male and female are considered female is because of the different chromosomes between a male and a female. This results in a many differences in development between a male and female. Females produce most estrogen amounts while males produce more testosterone. This allows the bones to develop at different rates. A female matures quicker than a male. The bones in a female skeleton are completely developed around age 18, while a male’s bones continue to develop and mature around age 21. This fact helps support the reasoning for why males are larger than females. This helps determine a male skeleton versus a female skeleton. In the male skeleton, the jaw bone is usually larger and more noticeable, also the brow is taller. The male skeleton also seems to have longer, thicker bones in the arms, legs, and fingers. Also the male’s pubic bones are much sharper in males, which means that they tend to have a more circular, narrow, and almost more shaped like a heart pelvis. In a female skeleton the pelvic bones are shorter and more rounded, and the bones around the pelvic bones are designed to be more flexible to accommodate gestation and child birth. This happens because the space between the two major pelvic bones has to be large enough to accommodate a baby’s head and the shoulders during a child delivery. The bones of the skull in a female are usually more graceful and less angular. The female also have a wider and shorter breastbone and slimmer wrists. Even though these seem like

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