Making Crucial Decisions for Our Future

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Throughout our lives, we must make crucial decisions that will curse and mark our destiny and wellbeing. When one has to select a career or profession many options go through his mind…which career is the most productive or lucrative, which one takes more time in getting the bachelor degree, which profession offers better jobs and opportunities to grow personally and professionally, and so on; but reflecting on the referenced quote, one must take a look inside his heart, desires, life expectations, competencies, vocations, and strengths. The common mistake that people -especially young people- make is to try to study or become what their families expect from them, or to follow the examples of their parents, family members, or friends because they are successful, admired, and earn great salaries; none of those reasons must be considered in the time of deciding what to study or do for a living…just ask yourself what is your vocation, what activity makes you feel happy, fulfilled, and satisfied, and what you think is your mission in life. When I was young and had to make that important choice, I rejected the approval I received -due to the high scores we achieved in the most important national test- from one of the most challenged universities in my country Colombia; when I checked the programs they offered, I couldn’t find the major in music that I was looking for; at that time the career as a musician was not appreciated, and on the contrary it was labeled as a profession with low expectations and respect. Moreover, I had the pressure my family put on me to study medicine or psychology since at the time I manifested a little interest in those fields. Fortunately, my family finally accepted my decision to study music and I could follow my dreams and hopes; when I was 20 years old I recorded my first musical production as the leading vocalist of a feminine group

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