Maintaining Healthy Relationships

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Do you know how many teachers committed suicide in Japan last year? 144 teachers gave up their lives and the figures are increasing every year. It is a major problem and recently it has often been taken up in the news. The biggest reason is that they could not maintain a healthy relationship with the students, parents or the school staff. If you are uncomfortable with one of these three relationships, you would not be able to enjoy your delightful job of teaching. Here I would like to introduce to you some of the tips I think are important in maintaining a healthy relationship. First, as you may all know, you would need to have a healthy relationship with your students. Your students are still young, so they may cause problems that you would need to solve. Let us say that a student got outraged, got into a fight, and shattered the window glass. You would need to persuade him to stop and preach how the act is not admirable. This cannot be achieved if you are in an uncomfortable relationship with your student. To earn your student’s trust, you would need to listen attentively to their thoughts so as to make them feel that they are understood. You would also need to emphasize that you treat all of your students equally and that you do not have favorites. It is also important that you don’t underestimate them. Your students have a limitless potentiality, and they would be hurt if underestimated. Next come the parents. There are these unreasonable parents called monster parents nowadays who love their child in a distorted way. They make unbelievable demands and would always be trying to detect your weaknesses. One typical example is that they reject to pay school lunch fees saying that it is included in compulsory education so it should be free. Some also try to put their child in the center when taking photographs and if this is not realized they complain and demand
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