Lysistrata's Katharsis

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Lysistrata’s Katharsis Aristophanes was one of the greatest playwrights who came up with many intriguing comedies. These comedies, as well as other plays, have a unique characteristic embedded within them. This is called the arrangement of incidents, which is the course of events that lead to the katharsis. The katharsis is the point in a play where the climactic moment arises. Once a play reaches this katharsis, there is this sense of a metaphysical presence accompanied by celebration, peace, and procreation. In Lysistrata, many events occurred in order to reach this peace and celebration. However, there were instances in the play where a “mini-katharsis” was reached. Nevertheless, they were of no major significance. This play took place in Greece during the Peloponnesian War and Lysistrata, an Athenian woman, wishes to end this war. Gathering up the women of Greece was the first step Lysistrata took to reach the katharsis. She wanted to end the war and she needed supporters in her cause. A goal will surely be reached with the right planning and organization, and Lysistrata knew she could not achieve this on her own. Moreover, what can one woman of Athens do by herself? Lysistrata assembled women from Athens, Sparta, and many other ancient Greek cities. Although the women came late to the meeting, they were anxious to her plan because they wanted the sex they had missed from their husbands. As Kleonike complained, “My husband’s been gone for the last five months!” (Aristophanes 14). Once united, Lysistrata proposed her plan to end the war. She asked them to be abstinent from sex until the war is stopped and a treaty of peace is signed. At first, most of the women were astonished by her proposal and did not want to comply. Then they understood that their needs precede their wants and decided to be abstinent from sex. In addition, the women assemble and swear
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